Sunday, January 29, 2017

Journey release!

Hey! We tried giving you more than one chapter this time! We'll try to release bigger batches and faster! We are working hard! We love your comments! It's good to know we have people who actually read this.

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Half anniversary!!!!!!!

Hello! It's was actually yesterday our half anniversary, but due to the Chinese New Years and stuff kinda forgot! So happy New Years and half anniversary! We have survived half a year! And grew a lot! We have around 35 people and are currently doing 6 projects! Thanks for all your support! We'll try to release some chapter next week since we didn't plan for a half anniversary release, sorry.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Hello! (Read if you want to know)

Hi. Releases will be slowed down for about a week. Sorry, we are currently splitting our staff into divisions. We had a huge inflation of staff. (Thank you to all staff) and I can no longer efficiently handle them myself.) So we have split into 3 divisions. So please be patient with us. ^^

Desolate era release!

Hello! Sorry for the delay in desolate era. Here it is!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

A Journey to the Past release!

Hello! Been awhile. Hope you enjoy the chapter....... Don't know what else to say. And if you have asked a question before the post all the answers are yes. (I have read them all) but unfortunately it's not allowing me to post comments.

Chapter 16

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

A journey to the past release!

Hello! Thanks for all the support and thank you staff! We have finally found a effective system so hopefully we'll be able to release faster! We love to hear your comments and stories! It gives us motivation to know people are reading this!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Feng Qi Cang Lan

Hello. It's been forever (or at least it feels like it) we are having technical difficulties for journey through the past so if you're waiting for that, sorry. But we do have some Feng Qi Cang Lan for you! And a new manhua! Fei Xi Yan Xue! It'll start releasing more regularly now that we started! (P.s. Still looking for more translators.)

Fei Xi Yan Xue

Chapter 1

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Journey Through The Past release!

Yay! More releases. (Sorry running out of stuff to say)
Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Feng Qi Cang Lan release!

We are working hard! But due to me being an idiot once again we slowed a bit. (Sorry to all the editors waiting for work.)

Chapter 10