Monday, November 7, 2016

Hi. Please read this.

Hey peoples, I don't know if no one sees theses posts and basically no ones replying or if it's just no one responds. But it'd be nice to hear from you guys so that I know there are people actually reading the translations. You guys can talk about what you think about the event happening in the chapter or just say a simple hi. Just feel free to talk on here (as long as it isn't spoilers from the raws)!
Thanks for reading this! Hope to hear from you guys!


  1. HI! I'm excited for your projects!! Do you have an idea how your update rate might be? Just wondering

  2. Hello, thanks for replying. At our current rate I would say two chapters a month. (In different projects) but it depends on how it goes and if anything unexpected comes up.

  3. Hi Qing,
    I think you should switch X long or Desolate era for journey of the flowers. I saw the movie when it was releasing and I realize that it had a manga. Please do this one. Then again its only a suggestion. Thanks for working hard. Too bad I don't speak chinese.

  4. I used to read this. But then u stopped for a very long time. XC. Well just here to say welcome back nd thx for continuing

  5. Hey, we really want to do journey of the flower, but we have no cleaners and typesetters willing to do it. But don't worry it's on hold.

  6. Hello! Thanks for translating Feng Qi Cang Lan! I'm hooked onto it! Waiting for the next one! Once again, thank you!

  7. Thanks for the translations!!! I really appreciate the time you spent on these projects. I love all the projects so far. How do you choose your projects?

  8. Heeey (: just wanted to post that I'll be reading your translation from now on :D great work

  9. hey, your work is really great ! i found about u on mangafox and wanted to check your page so here i am :D
    really nice job you are doing here, continue like this !
    i'm going to check if i can help
    cheers !

  10. Keep up the good work! Thanks for chapter 3!

  11. Hello! I really appreciated that you still translate. Hope you still translate more :). And I'm looking forward to your translated work

  12. Hi I also saw this on manga fox. Please continue to translate. Please it's so good!!! Thank you for the update!

  13. Hi I also saw this on manga fox. Please continue to translate. Please it's so good!!! Thank you for the update!
